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07941 335805

Over 50s Fitness

Older, wiser, fitter and younger…it’s the fun of feeling good, at any age, any time!
We show you how to reignite that healthy sense of feeling alive…
looking fabulous at forty or fifty, twenty or thirty, sixty or seventy.

Small Changes Can Deliver Big Results

Making sure you exercise regularly and keeping an eye on your diet becomes very important once you reach 50. The good news is that a few changes in your daily habits and routines can bring great improvements to your health and fitness. Generally, as we get older, we can become more prone to physical weakness and illnesses that would not previously have been an issue.

Healthy Eating And Sensible Regular Exercise Starts Here

With healthy eating and sensible regular exercise we can keep ourselves in good shape, and we will more than likely live to a greater age. We hear reports of early onset diabetes and Alzheimer’s, for example, and in many cases these things can be avoided or at least delayed with better lifestyle choices. One of our friendly and experienced personal trainers can help you make these right choices, and will help you establish better daily habits.

Simple Solutions

The solutions really can be simple, too. Even cleaning the house and taking short regular walks are part of remaining active for many people. Supplement these kinds of activities with more specific and focused exercises and a better diet, however, and you’re really giving yourself the best possible lifestyle. We can help you make the most of your health and fitness, no matter what age you are. You might not realise what levels of health and fitness you’re capable of achieving, and could be pleasantly surprised!

Lots of Benefits – Now and  in the Future

We’re talking about many benefits including an improved posture, reduced tiredness, increased self-awareness, increased mobility, restful sleep, cardiovascular health, weight control and much more. Remember that spending some time now establishing the best habits can have long-ranging positive implications in the future. We never know what’s around the corner, and that’s a simple fact of life, but we can prepare ourselves by making the best choices today.

Start Improving Your Health & Fitness Today – Give Us a Call

So why not call our friendly and professional team, and ask about our service for over 50s. We can offer the best personal trainers, with a gentle and encouraging approach. No matter what your current state of health and fitness may be, we can give you the knowledge and practical advice you need. We pride ourselves in treating each enquiry and client with respect, and will make sure you are happy with any actions we suggest before doing anything.

This means you will be in control of what happens with your training plan at all times, and we always listen and respond to any doubts or concerns you might have.

In simple terms – we really care about our clients and will do our best for you.

What should you bring to your first session?

Firstly, to get off to a flying start, bring a positive attitude! Once your plan is agreed, you’ll be advised of what to bring & wear but you should  bring the following items to your initial assessment session:

  • Suitable loose clothing, e.g., shorts, loose top
  • Suitable footwear e.g. Trainers
  • Relevant medical history
  • Medication details
  • And don’t forget your glasses if you need them to read forms!


We offer a wide range of personal training services covering all ages and abilities and including dietary, nutrition and lifestyle advice including:

Sports Massage

Sports Massage

Anne Davidson Fitness Private Studios

Private Studio Based Training

training at home

Training in Your Home

Health Assessment

Health Assessment & Plan

Reward Scheme

Reward Scheme – Earn Free Sessions For Reaching Your Goals


Enjoyable, Fun & Motivating